Wednesday 16th October 2019

Windy Day

The temperature has risen again and the wind has picked up too. Thus it made us decide to stay around the apartment instead of driving to Clearwater which was our original plan today.

Flat Out

Linda made the most of the lounger for the morning, whilst I hid inside in the aircon.

Shopping this Afternoon

Once it cooled down, we drove off to Ellenton Shopping Mall where Linda did some shopping, picking up a bag for a good price.

Longest Loo

We drove on to the University Mall. We had a walk through it for a hour. It has by far the longest walk to the restrooms I've ever seen. This was taken from the main mall walking area.

Pie for Tea

At the end of the University Mall, there was a pizza place called Rise Pies which cooked a hand-made pizza.

A short drive home and we were back in the apartment by 9pm.