Saturday, December 09

Early Arrival at Heathrow

Not many people about

Dixons Tax Free !

Argh! I could not resist :)

Relaxing before the flight

Relaxing in the ServisAir lounge. Very peaceful except for one 6 year old girl playing Mario on her DS. I should have challenged her to a head to head to show her who's boss !

Say goodbye to dreary UK weather.

Time to take off

Sunshine in NY

Very sunny and also quite cold!


Our speedy cab ride means our room is not ready yet. We have to wait.

and waiting...

Finally into the room.

Unpacked and straight on the Skype phone !

Our view.

Were on the top floor (40th) facing north towards Time Square.

nice :)

Out in the evening

We went for a open top bus tour of the Christmas Lights here in Manhatten, it was incredibly cold - but a very good tour non-the-less.

Christmas Lights

Getting Colder..

More Lights

Some of Macy's Shop Fronts

Incredibly popular with the passers-by.

Back To Times Square

It's now 2am in the morning (UK time) and we arrive back in Times Square after the Christmas Lights tour. We are frozen through, but happy.

First Pizza in 9 months.

The last time either of us had pizza was when we visited NY in March 2006. It tasted fantastic!