Wednesday October 16th

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We decided this morning to have a wander over to the North beach of Anna Maria. It was the beach that we first visited when we made our original visit to Anna Maria.

It's only a thin beach, barely a dozen feet wide in places. When we arrived, the tide was is so it was about as small as you will see it.

Off to the North Beach

There we sat, reading in the cool breeze. Today I finally finished the Kindle book I'd been reading, on and off, for the past few months. So I could start something new today.

Once it got hotter, I went for a swim in the water. It was pretty clear, so the fish that I did come across were caught on photos pretty well.

At one point, close to beach, there were large shoals of small fish darting about, as I swam through them some of the fish were swimming up and over my back - quite unsettling!

Then a lot more came past

At around 5:30 we moved back from the North Beach to our apartment, just a short 10 minute drive. Before we left the car park, I got a chance for a couple of photos of our car.

There we sat and read some more, whilst the sun set out on the horizon.