Monday October 14th

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We decided to get out of the area and go on a drive to Tarpon Springs to have a look around. The trip took just over a hour, which included the big Skyway Bridge.

Back over the Skyway

We ended up in the Sponge area - starting off in the Aquarium. It's only a small place, but it did have an enthusiastic husband and wife owners and he went diving in the shark tank - not somethign you see every day.

They were most proud of Puffy, the puffer-fish.

We visit the aquarium. Here's Puffy the pufferfish

The area itself was almost 100% shops selling sponges or items made from the sea. On the dockside there were also boats landing their sponge catches.

Lots of sponges

We moved on from there to a nearby National Park, where we sat under the shade of the trees to have a lunch that we'd bought with us.

We then moved on to the beach area of the park to spend a couple of hours there before it was time to leave.

On the way back, we went back over the Skyway Bridge. This is how it looks on the Sat-Nav.

Only one way to go!

Once back on Anna Maria, we stopped off for some food then popped back into the supermarket to pick up a few bits that we were running short of.