12 Dec 2016

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[08:32 EST+1]

Another post dated update. We're both too knackered after getting home from a long day to be able to sort the photos and update the blog.

We started off OK, breakfast was the usual time and included out new mugs.

New coffee mugs

Looking at the weather, there was a small chance of rain, but otherwise still warm.

Expected temperatures for the week

Indeed it was a nice day as we left the apartment.

Off to Universal

Our destination was Universal. We ended up in the ET car park - almost at the end of one row :(

Its a long walk to the entrance

First stop was off to the Cinema, to get our tickets for the Star Wars film on Friday.

We then stopped off for a coffee before heading to the park proper.

The park was pretty quiet actually. Being a Monday it would be less people, but it was very comfortable from the crowds point of view. This gave me a change to go on a couple of rides including Transformers which I'd not been on before. I also did Mummy (my favourite in the park) then we walked on to towards the Harry Potter area. This was also new to us since our last visit in 2010. We lined up in a short line for a train ride. It was all done out like Kings Cross in London.

The ride itself was a very authentic train carriage (with the single compartments) with stuff happening outside the (video screen) window.

Travelling to Islands of Adventure

What we didn't initially realise was that the ride was actually taking us over to Islands of Adventure (the other park here) and we were not allowed to ride back to the start without re-queuing. So we decided to walk through IoA. I was heading for the new Kong ride, but stopped off to do a ride through Jurassic Park first. Then on to Kong which has an impressive set outside, giving the illusion of mountains in the distance.

Impressive Kong scenery

Shame the ride itself was broken!

But the ride is down

This wasn't the first broken thing we'd come across either, earlier in the day Linda wanted to see the Blues Brothers Christmas show - but their sound system was also broken so they posed for photos a bit then left.

So we wandered back over to Universal, past the new restaurant made out to look like a Chocolate Factory.

New restaurant replacing the NBA place

Once back in the park, we did the Minions ride (another first) which was another simulator but a bit rough for my liking - it reminded me of the early Back to the Future ride we went on way back when. Transformers was better in my opinion.

Finally, it was time for the parade.

Finally, Santa and the Rockettes arrived.

And the tree is lit.

We then spent some time taking photos around the area before heading for the entrance. On the was there, a guy was standing there reminding people that there were fireworks at 7pm. That was a hour away and both of us decided to leave and have something to eat instead. We got a walk-in to a (very quiet) Hard Rock and the food came up pretty quickly. Linda's Mac and Cheese had hot-sauce on the side which she dared me to try.

I try hot sauce - ewww

Never again!

Still the meal was over well before 7pm and we had time to walk back to Universal again, gaining entrance just before the official closing time of 7pm. We got to watch the show after all.

Universal Film and Fireworks show

The show itself had clips from Universal movies with the odd set of fireworks in the distance.

We then walked back through the streets to the entrance which was all now lit up in it's glory.

A quick stop off at a local Target on the way home then we sat and watched some TV to relax!

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