07 Sept 2022 - Wednesday

Thunder Morning

[09:00 EST]

Our body clocks are not quite in sync yet, so we were both awake a little earlier than usual. I got up and went out onto the balcony to see the morning come in. Out to sea there was another storm moving North along the Gulf of Mexico. I set up the camera to see if I could get some photos. Once I'd played with the settings for a while, I managed to get some OK shots.

This was the best shot though.


Not so nice was the bites I got on my legs whilst sitting out on the balcony. I didn't feel things until I was about to go back into the apartment. Yikes! Time for a quick shower and then some lotion to ease the itching. Florida is renown for 'no-see-ums' which are small biting insects which are invisible to the eye. Mostly strike at sunset and sunrise according to the info online. Buggers!

Towards the Sunset

We spent the day in the apartment, Linda out on the balcony reading her kindle. I was watching spurs win 2-0 against Marseille in their Champions League first game.

Eventually, once the sun started to drop, we headed over to the beach to watch the sunset. We'd picked up some cheap chairs for this from WalMart, together with "beach pegs" which we'd bought from Amazon last week. The ice box was in the apartment already.

So there we sat for a hour or two in the warm air. The sun wasn't appearing much though as the cloud really started to pile in.

Cloud over our apartment block

Needless to say, the sunset was completely obscured.

Beach has emptied out due to impending rain.

Oddly, the raid didn't seem to come over us at all, certainly not enough to notice.

I cooked dinner in the apartment.