Saturday 7th

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As I was up early this morning, I grabbed my camera and headed out to the beach to see if I could get some sunrise shots. However, my main camera had been stored indoors in the air-conditioned rooms. So as soon as I left the apartment and walked into the humidity, it fogged up and didn't unfog at all. This was the best shot I managed from it.

Foggy Camera this morning

Fortunately, the phone camera was still working OK.

I was walking for about 45 minutes before I went back to the apartment. I'll keep the camera outside tomorrow to let it acclimatise.

Last year we discovered the Farmers Market in Bradenton quite by accident. This time, we made sure it was running then headed off to get some more of the great popcorn they sell there.

Farmers Market

Quite a few people were about, plus quite a few dogs.

Dog in pram

As before we picked up a couple of bags of popcorn which they make to order.

We then drove back to the apartment. As it was Saturday, Linda wanted to see her X-Factor show, so I connected the laptop up to the TV and she sat there with my headphones on, watching it live.

Then we spent some time in the apartment before heading down to the pool for a while. There seems to be only a few people at the apartment complex this year -maybe 5 other apartments are in use which is quite low compared to recent years. Maybe the recent Hurricane Irma (which is still being mentioned on the TV here) put people off. We have only seen one fallen tree, still waiting for collection, and the odd pile of tree branches awaiting collection. Nothing else seemed impacted.

After the swim, we returned to the apartment, but decided to skip a meal as we weren't that hungry. We watched a couple of TV shows off the streaming services instead.


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