Thursday 8th

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We opened the fridge this morning to discover one of the door compartments swimming in milk. Looks like the big 8 pint bottle of milk that we bought yesterday had a leak in it. So we've had to decant it into another container.

Milk container after bottle leak

Weather is a little bit cloudier today. Forecast is saying 86'F with higher humidity with a chance of a thunderstorm later.

It looks like the pool might be almost ready again, the hoses have been removed this morning and hopefully we'll be able to use it soon. We had been told about the pool issue before we arrived, the owner suggested a small discount on the rental price for each day its out of action, so we will get a little bit back.

Second morning here and it's the second day we've seen dolphins swim past our place. These guys (3 I think) were quite close to the beach, only 30 feet maybe.


Back from a walk along the beach.

I'd also done a time-lapse as we walked along, but to be honest, the final version was way to jerky to be used. I'll have to rethink how to do handheld time-lapses.

Instead, here are some waves and a fish...

Linda carried on reading throughout the afternoon, she finished her first book today (actually, she's also finished a part read book that she was reading back home too). I played some XCOM on the PC whilst playing some music on the little speaker we brought along with us.

The sunset today was much better - there was a lot more cloud about this afternoon which meant much better photos.

So this:

Resulted in this:

Dinner tonight was at a place called Hurricanes Bar and Grill. We both went for the chicken dips, although the food was much bigger portions than we could manage.

Chicken dips