Sunday 18th

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It was a very quiet day for us today. Weather has cooled somewhat and the forecast is for much higher winds - there's a small craft advisory in effect meaning that small boats and craft are not advised to go out on the sea. I can't say we've noticed the wind much where we are, but then again we're on the Western side of the island and the wind is coming from the North East.

We did some more shopping today, just some last few bits that we need to see out our last week. Everything we're buying now is in smaller and smaller bottles/packets so as not to waste anything if we can avoid it.

We brought some lunch back from the Publix Deli and had that on the balcony. Spotted a couple of dolphins swimming in the distance.

Then it was the usual thing of Linda out on the balcony and me inside on the PC, followed by a dip in the pool and, for a change, the hot tub too.

Back up on the balcony for sunset.

We then went off for dinner at the Hurricane place again. We had a different meal to last time, but Linda kept up the cocktail try-outs.


This one was a rumslide.