Monday October 8th



Just finished breakfast. Weather outside is humid but disappointingly overcast. We are still mulling over what to do today.


We finally wandered over to the beach just after lunchtime and it was actually a nice day. Warm but with an on-shore breeze from the sea to keep the temperature down. We took over our chairs and our $5 cool box and settled down for the afternoon. After about a hour we had a small rain shower. It was warm and not too heavy so we just sat there, riding it out (as did pretty much everyone else on the beach). Luckily it only lasted about 20 minutes and didn't return.

For the rest of the day we spent time reading or listening to music. The clouds broke up and we had a really nice afternoon.

Eventually, the sun started to sink and I went back to the apartment to grab my camera and tripod. I then set it up for another time-lapse which I think came out better than yesterday's effort.

The sunset had its moments too.

We left the beach at about 7:40pm in the near darkness, which didn't help when we wanted to collect up our stuff!