Thursday 25th September 2008

[08:47 PDT]

We're having a rest today from the parks - Linda's asked that I program into TomTom some shopping destinations, so I can guess where we're going today.

[17:40 PDT]

Indeed we had a wander around a couple of the shopping malls in Orange county. One photo I took in the car before we drove back to our hotel.

It actually got much warmer this afternoon - the above changed to 94'. Linda decided to take her book down to the pool and sit in the sun there. I hid in the hotel - it was too warm for me! There was a thermometer on the wall in full sun down at the pool. It read just under 120' when I was briefly down there. Waaay to hot for me.

Once the sun goes down a bit, then we'll venture out for something to eat.

[07:50 PDT]

Last night we had a walk down through Downtown Disney then back for a meal in Tony Roma. We managed to take a couple of photos too!