Sunday 15th

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As is traditional now, we spent my birthday morning in IHOP for breakfast.

Not all mine

Note that the food isn't all mine!

Once out, we returned to the apartment via the petrol station. This is the first time we've filled the car up. We were down to a quarter tank, and are now back up to three quarters, so I guess our car has around a 16 gallon tank.

First fill up this holiday

That's 39 litres for $20 dollars (or about £15) which equates to about 39p a litre! We're paying about £1.15 per litre at the moment in the UK.

Once back at the apartment, we spent the rest of the day there.

Birthday Cards

Come evening time, we went out again to go to a new location for food, the Longhorn Steakhouse.

Longhorn - Not a bad place really

It was quite a nice place with some good food too. Linda's 'the perfect' cocktail, seen here:

The Perfect - Tequila, Grand Marnier, Patrón Citrónge, Triple Sec, orange, lemon and lime juices.

came complete with a half-glass top-up from the maker's shaker. This was a big glass and all for $8.99 - much better value than the $12 per glass we paid for the smaller Sangria from Carrabbas on Friday (Linda had two that day). I think we'll need to revisit this place again before we leave.


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