Tuesday 8th October 2019

More Cloud

The weather temperature has taken a slight dip to the mid 80s. It's also a lot cloudier this morning. Initially, we decided to go for a walk down to the shops in the middle of the island. However, we made the mistake of waiting for lunchtime and having something to eat first.

That led to a wait for the food to digest which meant it was mid afternoon by then and too warm to go wandering.

Cool Pool

Instead, we went down to the pool with our kindles and read there for a while. I finally finished by book! Linda's on number five or six I think now.

Sunset was so so today. Despite a lot of cloud being about, it was quite low cloud which masked the best of the sunset.

Cloudy Sunset

Here you can see that despite there being some sunset tonight, it was quickly clouded over.

I recorded this on my GoPro over two hours around sunset.

Heading Outback

Dinner was in the Outback this evening. A nice meal and it wasn't too busy in there either.

Linda with the first Castaway Cocktail

Caramel Cheesecake