Friday 6th

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Weather today was quite overcast for most of the day. But it has been very humid and hot - touching 90'F according to the weather forecasters.

So today we got ourselves acclimatised as best we could, popping out a couple of times to do some shopping. First off was to Publix for the food shopping.

Shopping Time

Then later we drove over to Walmart to pick up some bits and bobs which we were going to need for our stay.

This is the car we have.

Our Rental This Year

It has one annoying issue in that the car forgets the settings (including time and connected phones) each time it's turned on. Quite annoying and I've spent some time on the web, seeing if there's a solution or is it something that rental cars get their vehicles to do.

Our purchases this year included two new beach chairs. The two in the apartment were those that we'd bought a couple of years back and left there. But they are in poor state, so we opted to spend £20 (well, maybe it was £24) to get a couple of new chairs again. Once more we'll no doubt leave them. It's not as though we can get them in the cases! We also got a new ironing board cover, which is a new one for us!

Replacing the ironing cover

The blue one had no string underneath anymore, so the cover was just sitting on the board rather than covering it. Another £5 spent there!

Back at the apartment, I managed to get my VPN with home working, so Linda can now watch her X-Factor on Saturday as she normally likes to do.

It'll be sunset soon, so I guess it will then be time for something to eat.


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