Friday 15th February

Day 3 part 1

We had planned to take breakfast at the Paris this morning, but we were slow leaving the hotel room plus we had the added delay of having to pick up our hire car this morning. In the end, we skipped breakfast asn went straight to our second stop of the day, Red Rock Canyon this is about 30 minutes drive NW of Las Vegas and is a National Conservation area.

We took about 90 minutes to drive around the park. It was a glorious day for photos, not a cloud in the sky - although still a little blustery with the northerly (i.e. cold) wind.

Another first today too - Wednesday was the first time we'd ever seen a mountain, today was our first desert!

Red Rock Canyon

Once back in LV, we headed to one of the Malls so Linda could visit JCP. I sorted put my Wii game order ;)

Liking the Pacifica car we have at the moment - a big size, plenty of room for stuff in the boot and a good MPG for such a big car (25MPG according to the paperwork). Think we've found the car for our California trip later in the year!!

We're back in the room now, relaxing for a while before heading up the strip to the Legends show.

Had to rescue Linda from the clutches of an over aggresive bubble bath!

Day 3 part 2

Back out during the evening to return to the Legends Show at the Imperial. We'd added the buffet option to the show tickets - it was only $8 each extra. Sadly the meal itself was probably worth half that!

The show, however, was much better. We had great seats, a booth this time, a few yards from the stage. 'Jay Leno' was the compare. He did some stand-up, then introduced 'Barry White'. This guy was very good - similar looking and a very good voice, so deep!

Dolly Parton was next - how does this woman keep standing!

The Temptations came on next and did a long medley of their hits.

Finally, Elvis took to the stage - his quick change actions allowed him to do moody leather Elvis, Jailhouse Rock Elvis and finally on to Las Vegas Elvis. Great singer and he had all the moves. Did he look like him, well... personally I was reminded of Guy of Gisborne with all the eye liner.

However, he excelled himself by performing American Trilogy to finish - great way to sign off!

After the show, Elvis and the Temptations were in the lobby for photos

We walked back down to the MGM Grand along the strip - the fountains at the Bellagio were working again now the wind is dying off.

Back at the MGM Grand we did some more slots - I increased my $22.50 dollar voucher up to $39.26. Not bad, although a guy won $26 odd on my machine 3 rolls after I'd finished my turn! Grrr...