Friday 15th May

Miles Driven Today

Total Miles




We awoke in FL to rain this morning. It had certainly been raining a little overnight - peoples towels on their balconies were soaked (ours were indoors - heh). It wasn't long before the rain started again though. It was still warm outside - perhaps 75', but the rain was quite a torrent.

After breakfast we packed up our things once again and waited another 30 minutes for the rain to subside enough that we could get the car loaded up. We left FL at around 10:30. The owners waved us off :) First time that's ever happened to us I think.

The trip to our next destination took us north along the I95 motorway. It was pretty uneventful for most of the journey - aside from a torrential downpour as we were just getting onto I95. The spray from those big trucks is incredible :(

The journey as a whole lasted just shy of three hours. That makes it officially our longest drive. Glad it's over and done with!

Arriving at the apartment, we followed the instructions to get into the unit (there are four of them) we'd been allocated. This involved key safe combinations and garage door controls (yes, we have a garage this time !). Once we got into the unit #2 as per the joining instructions, we looked in the fridge and saw it was half stocked with drink and fruit. "Nice of them to get some stuff in for us" we initially thought. However, we were both a little uneasy so I unpacked the laptop and searched for a signal... sadly I had to sit on a chair against the front door to get anything my laptop (or my phone) could use. Once connected I checked the booking email receipt. We were supposed to be in unit #3 !

Now we were concerned we'd gate crashed someone's stay in unit #2. Worse still, we had no code number for the key lock on unit #3. So Linda decides to go off for a walk along the beach and I'm on the phone to the owners to clarify the situation.

Turns out they'd just sent out the wrong joining instructions. A quick code exchange later and I then had to move all out many many cases to the new unit (which of course is on the floor above). I also had to move the Jeep too as is was parked in the #2 garage. Doh - what a to-do.

Finally, we're all installed and I'm writing this from the balcony of the apartment.

I can get WiFi right through this apartment, even out on the balcony. It's right on the beach - and I'm looking out over the breakers and watching some surfers attempt to ride more than a few seconds. There's plenty of pelicans dive bombing the sea for food too.

Here's my current view.

It's a hard life :)