Friday October 11th

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Last night I left the camera running (until the batteries died on me) to get a night timelapse.

Pretty pleased with that one - especially in 1080p as you can actually see the stars too :)

Slowly we're getting up later and later as the jet lag finally passes. This morning was another bright day. Once more not a cloud about. The temperature is supposed to be in the mid-80F today (as it is forecasted for the rest of the week).

We had a small breakfast and then went out for a walk heading South this time, back towards the place where we stayed last year.

If took about 45 minutes, but we eventually reached the place.

Our holiday home last year

We also caught a glimpse of another couple of dolphins this morning - this time a lot closer that yesterday.

Back indoors we grabbed a bite to eat then I set about trying my most ambitious time-lapse so far - a 24 hour cycle which (hopefully) will include sunset, moon set and dawn. We'll see tomorrow!

We needed to grab some more supplies from the supermarket so we went off in the car back to Publix.