Wednesday 12th December 2012

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[08:28 EST]

Just back from breakfast. It's complimentary where we are staying but starts at some silly time in the morning, so we just got up, threw on some clothes and then went up for something to eat. It's on the South East corner of the hotel on the 39th floor so offers great views over the lower part of Manhattan.

The almost completed new One World Trade Centre shines in the sunlight

You can see above the nearly completed One World Trade Centre building on the left of the shot. It's the tallest building in New York at the moment and will become the tallest in the 'western hemisphere' this week as today (according to the TV) they are raising the spire to the top of the building which will give it another 408 feet in height.

Looking East we could see the Empire State Building too.

Sunrise over Midtown

As soon as the sun poked out from behind the skyscraper it became blinding in the room so we didn't hang around too long after that.

Macy's sale starts today, so there will be a journey through there I guess!

[17:38 EST]

Ready for more shopping

As you can see, Linda was eager to get out today and have a wander around Macy's store. It was pretty busy in there but she came away with a couple of bits. We were also on the hunt for some Hallmark tree ornaments. Linda had her list and I had mine. We found a store in a small mall on 6th Avenue and Linda got all her list, I still had two to get myself. We returned to the hotel with a coffee and had a short rest before heading out again. This time it was for a short walk over to the B&H that's near the hotel. Took 30 minutes to wander through that and I ended up with a pair of bluetooth headphones to try at home.

Finally we moved on up 8th Avenue hunting for the elusive couple of other Hallmark items, finally finding them in a small shop at the back of the Port Authority bus terminal - thank goodness for Google Maps!

Hallmark capture

List all completed!

We're back at the hotel once again. After a hour or so we will pop over the road to the TGI for some food.

[20:53 EST]

Back from our meal. Another cocktail for Linda and we both had a good meal. The TVs are all showing the live concert for the appeal for Hurricane Sandy victims and it's odd that the show is being broadcast live from Madison Square Gardens which is exactly half a block from our hotel. We've retired to the hotel to continue watching it. Some of the acts have been pretty good so far, but I cannot understand how Paul McCartney has wangled another top billing after his Olympic outing!