Sunday 11th September 2011


Today was our first hotel move. We had about 200 miles to travel from Cape Cod into New Hampshire. We were packed up pretty early to give us time to get to breakfast. I then had to lug our four cases down the stairs to the car - I'm just glad we had a staircase right outside our room door.

Packing the car

We were on the road by 10am, heading North via Boston. The traffic was quite heavy as we approached Boston, but once we'd got through the plate of spaghetti they call roads it started to quieten down. Part of the run into Boston was underground, through a very long tunnel - this gave my Sat Nat a headache as it started to guess where I was as it couldn't get a signal. The last thing you need is your sat nav guessing when you're approaching this!

It was September 11th today, the 10th anniversary of 9/11, many areas were flying their flags at half mast.

We stopped at a mall in Manchester (I kid you not) and grabbed something to eat and had a quick shop around.

Finally, the main road changed into a small road, lined with trees. We were also climbing a little.

the hills get higher, the road quieter

We finally got into the hills and reached out next hotel. It's a converted mill and has a fast rushing stream and waterfall running right under the main part of the building. Our room is overlooking this stream too - the noise can be quite loud if we keep the door to the balcony open as it's directly below.

Once we'd got our bearings, we took a walk out into the town (or maybe it's a village). It doesn't seen very large and certainly the area immediately around us looks very old fashioned.

The main attraction of the area is the lake just over the road from the Hotel. We wandered over there in the evening to have a look. the moon was rising and this gave the lake a magical feel.

There are some more photos like this in the slideshow below. Or you can click on the slideshow to see the photos online.