Friday 9th September 2011


We headed out after breakfast over to the North East, up towards the end of Cape Cod. Situated there is a town called Provincetown which was one of the first places the Pilgrims landed on their way to Plymouth. The drive was about a hour. We could certainly see the influence of England in this area as we passed many places from back home.

Heading NE into familiar surroundings

Before we arrived at Privincetown, we stopped off at a small nature trail called the Pilgrim Heights. Here there was a small trail that took us near some of the areas the first Pilgrim settlers covered after landing in Cape Cod.

Then back into the car to drive on to Provincetown. We parked up near the Pilgrim Monument which is a 252 feet tall tower placed up on a hill overlooking the town. It was build at the start of the 1900s to celebrate the pilgrim's arrival in the area. It took us about 15 minutes to walk up to the top of the tower.

On the way back down, there were plaques commemorating the inauguration of town named after English towns. Hull, Boston, Lynn, Barnstable and more. One in particular caught our eye!

Too close for comfort!

For those that don't know, East Ham, is just down the road from where we live!

It was a long way up when you look up from the bottom.

Two levels up

Back outside, the weather was a warm 70-something and the sun was out in force. We walked along Provincetown. It's an odd place. Tattoo parlours mix with tourist shops, palm readers and the odd exotic dancer! The buildings themselves are the old fashioned wooden houses that you'd expect in the area.

Before leaving we walked down to the end of the pier. By the time we got back to the top of the hill where we'd parked we were both pretty exhausted!

Stopped off at a Pizzeria for some food on the way back to the hotel.