Saturday 14th

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Today we drove over to the University Parkway shopping area, about 30 minutes from here, so we could do a bit of shopping. We were there for a hour or so and I managed to find the TV I ordered recently, so that Linda could have a good look (LG B7). She seems to like the look of it!

Once back at the apartment, we had some lunch then it was time for Linda's X-Factor to start live. So I got her all set up and headed out to the Cinema to see the new Bladerunner 2049 film. Looked good, reasonable story, so so music! But overall enjoyable, despite the almost 3 hour run time.

Once out, I popped into the Publix next door as we had run out of some stuff.

This is their Pumpkin display.

Another Publix Pumpkin Display

On the way home, I phoned Linda and asked here to take some Sunset photos as I wouldn't be home before it had set. So she did quite well.

Had a oven Pizza this evening - not burnt like the first one! Watched some streaming TV.


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