Sunday 24th May

Miles Driven Today

Total Miles




Our last day in Florida.

Started early as we had packing to do. The cases were very difficult to close (despite us buying a new, large holdall bag). I'm just hoping they survive the journey without popping back open! When I weighed them, two were over 31Kg and the other was just over 30Kg (the limit is 32!) the fourth bag was 20 Kg but it is a much smaller bag!

Once we had everything packed up into the car we did a last look around then headed off to Downtown Disney to do the early check-in.

All through the months leading up to this flight back home, we'd been unable to choose our seats - we'd been allocated two (crappy seats) when we'd bought the tickets, but since then the ability to change your seat has been 'unavailable' on-line for some reason. Even last night - I tried to check-in on-line to see if we could move, but no luck. So this morning I asked if there was a chance to change the seating arrangements. Thankfully, there were two seats together on the upper deck (which is quieter and also has more luggage space!). So we got ourselves moved there.

Sadly, we were also told the flight would be about a hour later that scheduled taking off :(

Three of the four bags got the dreaded "ORANGE STICKER" (meaning it's a heavy item). Oh the shame!

Once away from DD, we headed to Sea World. I was determined to get a go on the Manta ride that had opened on Friday. It's Memorial Weekend here and the car park was heaving - we were way out in row 45 which is almost at the end of the whole park (I think it goes up to 54). Despite this, the advertised wait time for Manta was only 60 minutes - which isn't bad for a popular ride. I joined the queue and just 30 minutes later I was ready load into my chair.

Now the details of the chairs on this ride are worth explaining... Initially, you sit in a tight fitting plastic chair which curves around you. You then pull down a chest bar over the top of your head. Once down, this activates a foot restraint par which holds your legs backwards under the chair. Your arms are holding onto the chest bar handles all this time. OK, got all that? Right, now once you're all locked in, the whole chair rotates 90' head first. You end up in the same position as if you were kneeling on your elbows and knees on the floor, except you're 'hanging' from the chair. .

This is how the ride starts!

As you exit the loading area, the train of seats (I'd guess maybe 12 rows of 4 people per train) heads upward to the top of a steep incline. The train then tips over the apex and heads downwards towards the first 360 loop. As the train begins to tip over, you are effectively travelling head first upside down towards the bottom of the ramp. Not a nice position to be in! Indeed, it's only the inclusion of shoulder harnesses underneath the chest bar that cushions the weight of my (not inconsiderable) body on my poor shoulders.

The ride then does various loops, tight turns and even swoops down low over water so your body is running parallel with the water and there's an artificial spray generated to enhance the effect. One part of the ride is a barrel roll that means you end up travelling head first on your back - actually quite a welcome relief from hanging like a trussed up chicken for most of the ride!

Worst bit about it for me was the unloading - it takes time for the previous train to unload, meaning you're left hanging face down outside the unloading area with the blood slowly flooding your brain!

Still it's a good ride. Even the waiting area is enjoyable as you circle around a live aquarium full of fish and manta rays gliding about - it gives you something to keep your mind interested in whilst you wait.

The weather was sunny spells today, but very humid. So we did as little walking about in the sun as we could. We caught the dolphin show and the sea lion show (both of which we missed earlier in the week). We needed to arrive early for both to ensure we didn't get a bad position in full sunlight.

I also did the Kracken ride and we popped into the shark display and the penguin display - who cares if they smell of fish - it's wonderfully cool in there!!!

Finally, the time was past 3pm and we started heading back to the main gates. I had to get the car back to Dollar by 5pm and we were back at the rental place by 4:23pm. Good timing!

I'd had the 'low fuel' warning for almost a day now and I was a little worried that the car would run out of petrol before we got back to the airport, however we were OK.

Now at the airport. Photos to come later when I can find some better WiFi !!


Waiting at gate 81 for the boarding call - it was storming outside once more as we went through to security, but now it's just raining.

Plane is expected to leave at 20:30.


Still not started boarding - I doubt we'll get off by 20:30 !

[19:08 GMT +1]

I was right - we didn't take off until 21:30 !