Monday 14th October 2019

Morning Walk

We decided to have a walk on the beach this morning. For a change, we drove over to near Cortez Beach and had a walk along that instead.

The beach was busier in places that the local beach, but then it's got lots of parking and seating areas nearby, so attracts a lot more visitors.

Furry Friends

Linda bowed out and waited in a shaded area near the end of the island. Whilst I walked on to take a couple more photos, Linda was surrounded by inquisitive squirrels.

Walking Back

Once back together, we walked back in the shade to where we'd parked the car.

From there it was straight over to pick up a coffee at the drive in then back for lunch.

More Footy

In the early afternoon, there was another England Euro 2020 qualifier which I watched on the stream from home. England won 6-0 against Bulgaria.

Down to the Beach

Just before sunset, we took the kindles and the chairs down to the beach to watch the sunset. We even saw a dolphin just as the sun was setting (see below).

It was dark by the time we returned to the apartment. We did the 'emergency' pizza in the oven then watched some TV.