08 Sept 2022 - Thursday

World News

We woke to the news of the Queen being unwell - it first popped up for us on the local Bay News Nine channel that we watch - they give weather updates every 10 minutes and are mainly covering local news articles. Even they had a scrolling ticker mentioning the news that "doctors are concerned". With the Royal children heading to the Queen it doesn't look good. My team at work is heavily involved in proceedings following any death, so I'm a bit stranded here, looking in from the outside.

We've got the BBC news on here, keeping an eye on proceedings.

So it's been a momentous day. The announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II at 18:30 (UK time) has cast a shadow over our stay here. I know back home that the wheels are in motion to handle the send-off, but it's tough not being able to partake. Still, it'll be something we'll watch on TV over the next few days.

The TV has, of course, been wall to wall about the news. The weather has played it's suitable part too. It's been raining hard back in the UK as well as here.

We awoke to a thunderstorm out to sea early on and this rainy weather continued throughout the day. We eventually got rain overhead around midday as you can see below.

We only popped out the once during the day and that was to drive over to the CVS store to pick up some items to fight my insect bites which have turned aggressive! The short drive to the store was through many deep puddles that had formed over the afternoon.

We went out early evening as we'd booked tickets for the 40th annuversary showing of Star Trek II - the Wrath of Khan which is being shown at the local Regal Cinema here.