23 Sep 2022 - Friday

Last Full Day

As us usual, the last full day before we return is taken up by a start on the packing. As we've flown business, we have 4 x 32KG weight allowance. The numbers when we flew out suggested we had about 25KG to play with. We shall see!

Stars 2

Overnight, I ran my little GoPro on another nightlapse, this time bumping up the exposure time so that we have more light and the faint stars are easier to see. I also tweaked the colour a little as it always looks very orange on these timelapses.

I'm pretty happy with it.

Early morning the weather looked quite nice, it was warm again of course - 31'C and when I poked my head out of the front door (which faces East) the sun was already rising.

Linda did some pre-packing whilst I tidied up somewhat and around lunchtime we popped out to the stores for one last time. Linda has some nasty looking insect bites today, so something for them was top of the list.

There was a Nations League England match on today (they lost 1-0 away to Italy) so I watched that that in the early afternoon. Then we wanted to take one last swim in the pool. The weather wasn't looking promising though, it was completel clouded over, but we took a chance and were in the pool over a hour with no rain arriving. We retired to the apartment to shower and catch the sunset.

It looked promising

Then got duller as time went on

And this is how it looked at sunset! Not the best really.

Storm's Comin'

On the subject of weather, Hurricane Fiona is now heading North in the Atlantic to Canada, however the weather people on the local channel were talking about 'tropical depression number 9' which is in the south of the Gulf of Mexico currently. It's not even a named tropical storm yet, although that is expected to change by tomorrow.

As you can see, Hurricane Ian (assuming it does get big enough to be named) is tracking directly to Florida according to the multitude of spaghetti plots that you can see here.

Indeed some of those lines run straight over where we're staying currently. Fortunately, we'll be back in the UK by the time this gets closer to Florida.

It may well get more strength - we've commented ourselves that the Gulf has been warmer than we've known it in the past and it's the warm water that gives storms their power. We were talking to the person who stays next to us - they own their apartment - and they were taking heed of the early advisory that's been issued and are heading inland for a week.

Fingers crossed it'll not cause any damage.

For our last meal here we usually return to a place we had a good meal at, so it was back to Outback tonight. No steaks this time, we both had chicken.