Monday 23rd April

Animal Kingdom

We visited Disney's Animal Kingdom today. A very hot day but, touch wood, we survived without getting too burnt.

I got to ride Expedition Everest. In fact, thanks to the 'single rider' queue I managed to do it four times in around a hour. Not bad considering it was advertising 20-30 minute wait times on standby. It was a great ride too.

There was a guy who I saw a couple of times also queuing in the single rider line. He'd been on EE 15 times already. In fact he was telling people of 'hidden Mickeys' on the ride that he'd found. I also noticed he had a couple of Mickey tattoo. That's taking something a little too far I think! No wonder he was in the single rider line...

We again traversed the Kalili River Rapids and once again I took the full brunt of the slide down the biggest slope. In fact both Linda and I had rather wet tops by the time we'd finished. I got most of it down on video (I put the camera in a plastic bag with a hold for the lens) so that should be fun to watch later.

We also watched a new show 'Finding Nemo - the musical' which was actually quite good. The biggest problem was the queuing outside as it was mostly standing in the full sun. Not good at 3pm! Still we got really good seats, right alongside the stage's runway out to the sound pit. As I said, it was a good show too.

Quick meal before going back to the hotel. We were both flagging by then so we stayed in for the rest of the evening. That gave me a chance to watch the latest episode of Heroes live!