Wednesday October 20th

[22:07 EDT]

Linda was up by 7am this morning, out on the balcony waiting for the sunrise. Pity that wasn't until 7:25 today! Still, we got a couple of nice shots.

Temperature wise it is a little cooler than recently, perhaps in the high 70s - there's also a bit of cloud, as you can see in the photo, which kept the humidity up a little.

After breakfast we went out and back to Dollar to see about our car. The one guy on his own had nothing that he could let us have immediately, saying he might be able to get us something by the afternoon. I asked him to call Orlando Airport (their main site in the area) to confirm - instead, he called his manager who proceeded to tell him that there was a box of spare bulbs in the drawer of the desk he was sitting at! 5 minutes and a screwdriver later and we had a working tail light once more.

We stopped off for some supplies at one of the local Publix, then returned home via Ron Jon.

During the afternoon, Linda decided to take her Kindle down into the sunshine on the beach.

There she sat for about 30 minutes until a small black cloud suddenly came over where she was sitting and sprinkled her with a few raindrops. With no umbrella for protection she called it a day and carried on reading back in the apartment instead.

Early in the evening, we went over to a local Mall with a JC Penny and a Macys. Linda got a couple of bits and I got part of a late birthday present in the form of a new jacket.

We finished the evening off with probably the worst TGI Friday meal we've had over here - I'm convinced our waitress forgot to put in our order. Once we chased her for the starter (25 minutes later) it magically appeared 5 minutes after that. Linda's main meal wasn't fully cooked and, well let's just say there wasn't any tip on that meal!

Back in the apartment now and Linda's just getting things ready for tomorrow as we'll have and early-ish start as it's out trip back to Universal in Orlando and Halloween Horror Night!