Tuesday 10th

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Today we spent most of the afternoon sitting over at Bayfront beach. This is a small beach which we visited when we first came over to the island a few years ago. Since then, we've always come back here at least once a holiday.

It was a little less humid today, but still hot. Unseasonably hot, according to the TV who would normally expect temperatures in the mid to low 80'F. Today was forecast at 89'F.

So we found ourselves some shade under one of the big trees along the edge of the beach and, together with out cold box, spent nearly five hours on the beach. No dolphins were seen, but plenty of Pelicans, Ibis and even the odd heron.

Eventually, numb bums forced us back into the car. We packed up out new chairs (pretty comfortable compared to the previous chairs) and headed back to the apartment. Once back, we went dropped off the box upstairs then went down to the pool for a hour to cool off.

Watched the sunset from the balcony.

Then for food we drove over to IHOP. Initially, we drove straight past it as the usual blue sign wasn't visible.

IHOP lost their sign in the hurricane

It seems that the sign itself was blown away during Hurricane Irma, which traveled up Florida's centre a couple of weeks ago. A new on is on order.

PHOTO ALBUM : https://photos.app.goo.gl/O4gVojEwhMrG2yK22

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