Sunday 6th October 2019

Up Early

I was up a little before sunrise this morning. So I popped out onto the balcony and tried to take a star photo or two.

By the time I'd uploaded them to the laptop, the sun was coming up on the other side of the apartment.

There's a new building under construction over at the harbour. Oddly, the sun is coming up right behind it.

Beach / Pool

We took the chairs down to the beach for a hour or so. When it became too warm, we walked back to the pool and spent time there. Whilst we were there we had a very short rain shower.

R J Gators

We spent the afternoon in the air-con cool of the apartment. I was running a timelapse again over the afternoon. Hopefully it'll be uploaded soon.

Then we headed out to get a meal. We returned to R J Gators. The meal was good and their cocktails are giant!