Monday October 29th



As you can see, we did indeed fly almost straight over the Atlantic.

We fly south to avoid Hurricane Sandy

I didn't really notice much weather interference. There was a little bit of turbulence, but not enough to make the seatbelt light come on.

We landed at a sunny autumnal Gatwick at 9:47. As we were pretty close to the main door (right behind it actually) we were among the first out.

It was also the first time we'd had a chance to use the E-Passport booths which both seemed to work OK once we got our passports the correct way around.

So we were within the first ten to the baggage collection point. Here is where it all went wrong...

Earlier as we were coming up to the stand we'd noticed VS016 (the correct one for today) also pulling up. I've no idea which route they'd flown which allowed us to catch them up. Still here you have two flights, both originally called VS016 and both arriving at the same time. Hilarity ensued!

Well, actually, a very long wait ensued because it appears that the real VS016 got their bags handled first and it was almost a hour before we'd collected all four of ours.

We got hit for an extra £5 for the extra day's parking but - meh - we were home!