Thursday October 14th

[18:17 EDT]

Another bits 'n' bobs day. The weather has continues to be very humid - although we are expecting a cold front to clear away the humidity tomorrow. Cloud cover was almost 100% for most of the day - we even got the odd spot of rain, just one or two!

We decided to go and visit a couple of places nearby that caught our fancy. The first was the Fishermen's Village which is a converted Fishermen's pier now housing apartments and a few shops. We wandered about there for a little while - had a coffee too.

You just know that Halloween isn't far off as we can see shops already decorated for the day. We've even come across the odd house with Halloween decorations - fake graveyards in the front garden, spooky eyes in the upstairs windows, that sort of thing. Here they were having a contest within the shops for the best Halloween scarecrow.

Some were better than others!

From there we moved on to a local wildlife sanctuary to see what they did. Here we found injured or sick birds that were cared for and housed by the sanctuary. There was also a very enthusiastic guide who was happy to tell us about the birds. We noticed a lot of wild birds that were nearby - vultures and herons mostly. Apparently, this is because it was only a hour or so before the injured pelicans were to be fed.

There was also a short walk around part of the Mangrove swamp there - we saw some fish and even the odd crab. Sadly, the crabs were too camera shy and too fast to capture them on film.

Our last stop was at a Motor museum that housed many US Muscle cars - mainly Chevrolets. A lot of them had been restored from the 50s and 60s plus there were a couple of newer varieties.

Plus that had what I think is the fattest motorbike I've ever seen. The fan on this thing would have sat happily in someone's external air conditioning unit. I've no idea how heavy it was as, sadly, there was no extra information on the vehicle.

Once back in the motel, Linda decided she wanted to read some more. Last time I checked, she was 79% of the way through her latest story (that she only started yesterday morning!) She is sitting out on the dock in the heat and sunshine - I'm cowering away indoor in the air conditioned coolness :)