Tuesday 18th

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[13:03 EDT+1]

Not a lot going on today, we were in the apartment until lunchtime then went over to the beach for a couple of hours until we got too hot sitting in the sun (even with the umbrella above me) that we went back to the pool and sat reading there, dipping into the cool water every now and again.

At the pool

Just before sunset we moved back to the apartment.

Hard at work!

For a change I cooked dinner in the apartment. Took a few moments to work out how to operate the big cooker here - but nothing was burnt and no smoke alarm was heard!

Watched some Netflix in the evening, I've been piping it through the laptop and out onto the TV via HDMI. It works pretty well.

PHOTO ALBUM : https://goo.gl/photos/Gdc1b1sQ4tNMD4668

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