17 Sep 2022 - Saturday

Queue Day Three

Queue length for the Queen appears to have dropped a little. I think the spike in times seen yesterday may be because they added a zigzag queue system to the starting point in Soutwark Park. Now they are down to 15 hours. Still a long time to wait, especially as the overnight temperatures have started to drop.

I suspect the queue will close tomorrow sometime so it can finish before the 06:30 Monday morning deadline.

We decided to set today as a shopping day. Linda wanted to visit a couple of the Malls in the area.

First stop was the Michael Kors outlet in the Ellenton Premium outlets. Another bag was purchased!

We also drove over to the University Mall complex. The Super Target there had a fancy Halloween display for purchase.

That's a full size skeleton playing a ukulele.

We then moved into the Mall proper to grab a coffee.

Once back in the apartment, it was still mid afternoon, so we went down to the quiet pool. As it was empty there, I took along the camera.

The swim, although short, was much needed after the walking about in the morning. The storm clouds threatened soon after so we went back to the apartment.

Again we didn't get rain around us, but there were storms out to see which lit up the horizon from time to time. Dinner ended up as a Chinese take away again.

Tomorrow morning is out Dolphin trip. The weather looks promising at least!