Monday 21st July

[08:09 US]

Nothing major planned today! Well, aside from that concert later tonight...

Woke up this morning to some good news. Our work lottery has won big! 5 numbers in fact !! Sadly a few years ago this might have been worth jacking in your job for. But you can't get far on £602 now-a-days.

We're looking to pick our tickets for tonight early so we'll most likely walk down 34st initially then wander where we please.

Temperature is expected to hit 91'F today.

[16:58 US]

We're back in the hotel room and not a moment too soon. It was getting very difficult out there with the heat. Thankfully, the room was being coolled properly so we had somewhere to collapse on our return.

We'd initially walked the length of 34st down to Maddison Square Gardens so we could pick up our tickets that were being held for us.

They were running a big screen outside that was mainly advertising basketball, but George popped up briefly :)

From MSG we walked on towards Times Square, stopping only for a meal in one of the Delis on and it was from there we caught the NY Duck Tour boat. It's a sort of amphibious bus that does a bit of sightseeing then plunges into the Hudson river for a 15 minutes cruise along the riverfront.

If I've burnt anywhere - it'll be as a result of this trip. No real shade and very hot in the streets, especially where there was heavy traffic.

After the duck ride we headed back to the hotel, walking down Broadway for most of the journey. It's here we really started to flag.

[00:43 US]

OK, so this post should technically be on tomorrows page but, well I'm being rebellious!

Back from the concert at MSG. Pretty much what we've seen before, except he's altered some of the playlist to suit the US audiences a little better - a lot of people there, apparently, had completely missed everything since the early 1990s.

Our seats were towards the back of the main floor - but luckily they were on a slowly rising platform so we all had pretty decent views, about 50 feet from the stage I guess.

I was thinking the place was going to be half full as by 8pm (the supposed start time) there were still plenty of empty seats. By 8:40, when he finally got on stage, it was a good 95% full.

Once over, we walked back to the hotel along 34th Street. It's still very warm despite the time. Glad to get back into the cool hotel room once more.