Saturday 17th

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We got the call from the Mango boat this morning, firstly checking how last night went and also offering the trip to Egmont Key which we visited last year.

I explained that the trip last night had been, at times, a little rocky. Knowing that the Egmont trip is a lot longer and goes further afield, we'd decided not to take the trip in the end. The owner was OK with that.

That left us with a full day to fill. This was mainly with Linda out on the balcony up until lunch. Then we both went down to the beach and sat there at the shoreline reading our kindles. Linda's finished six books so far this holiday. I'm only 12% into Lord of the Rings, and have just started World War Z of which I'm 15% of the way in. She reads so much faster than me!

Weather was windy certainly, but pretty cloudless all day as you can see from the time-lapse below. Notice our umbrella disappears half way through the video - it blew away down the beach forcing me to chase after it!

Then is was back to the pool for a hour.

We waited around for the sunset before heading out for a meal.

Finally back for the sunset