Thursday 8th September 2011

[06:21 EDT]

Woken up by a flashes of lightning! There's a storm overhead - according to the TV, it's part of the Hurricane Katia that's out in the Atlantic. Forecast looks much better from tomorrow. Oddly enough, Katia is expected to make landfall, but in Scotland in a few days time. It's not certain by any means and it may only be storm force by then, but... you have been warned!

Weather is expected to be rainy for most of the day, so we might just hang about the hotel and see what's in the neighbourhood.


Following breakfast, we wandered down to the car, parked at the back of the hotel last night. It was the first time we had had a chance to see it in daylight as we'd picked it up in the dark and rain last night. It's a Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD, quite a beast and very high up off the ground as you can see!

It's a long drop to the floor

We then went for a walk around to the ferry port (just 5 minutes away) and then walked on to the main town of Hyannis. It's a small town with a couple of museums but mainly touristy shops. We got caught in a sudden downpour that lasted quite a while.

Sudden downpour

With very little cover, we dived into a nearby shop which just happened to be a Ben and Jerry's ice cream parlour. MMMmmmmm.

Back up at the hotel, we are going to see what weather is forecast for tomorrow as we may well get a ferry over to Nantucket island and have a look around there. So far it looks promising. Even though it was pouring earlier, the sun is now out and blue sky abounds!

Balcony Panoramic


We've spent time in our room, out on the balcony until the eventually the sky started to cloud over. The weather looks better for Saturday for our Nantucket trip, so tomorrow I think we'll go for a drive out to the tip of Cape Cod to see what the countryside is like around there.


We stopped off at the local Cape Cod Mall. Had a quick meal in the nearby IHOP then spent a hour or two walking through the shops. Finally back home to the hotel. Much more pleasant night - cool and mostly clear.