19 Oct Friday

[Last Updated: 2018-10-19 22:11 EDT]

Our last full day here :(

Once we'd had breakfast, Linda set about pre-loading the cases so there won't be as much to pack later.

As we're flying upper class back, we can make use of an extra bag we brought along in one of the cases. We've got 3 x 32 KG allowances each, enough to sneak a person back each if they were small enough! So I'm not anticipating any issues with packing everything up.

We then went down for a walk along the beach. I took the opportunity to take out the trash...

After which we walked for a hour along the beach. It was busier that it's been for a while. It being Friday, I guess the weekend arrivals have started.

Over the last couple of days, these large (2-3 inches long) dragonflies have reappeared. There were loads of them just after the hurricane weather, then they all disappeared for a couple of days. Now they are back.

We had a swim after the walk and I'm happy to say that the wall clock is still going strong.

It lasted through some hot weather and some torrential downpours and is still working. So a $4 well spent there!

After lunch we popped back to Walmart so Linda could get some treats for her work place next week. It's handy that halloween is in full flow as there were plenty of pic and mix bags to choose from.

Then after a little bit more packing it was time to head down to the beach to watch our last sunset over the sea this year.

We sat there for a while longer in the twilight, then packed up the chairs for the last time and headed back to the apartment.

Evening meal was back at the Outback again. The lady serving us must have felt sorry for the two of us when we mentioned that this was our last meal out of the holiday. She waited for us to finish our main courses then presented us with a bowl of ice cream and fudge sauce and two spoons, on the house! Indeed the total bill for a steak and chicken mains, cocktail and sprite together with the (free) dessert came to just $40.51 - about £31. Quite a nice way to end the evening.

Finally, back into the car.

And we drove back to the apartment. Linda's now sorting a few more bits for the cases. It'll be an early start tomorrow as we need to be back in Orlando by 1pm so we can do the early check-in thing at Disney Marketplace (aka Downtown Disney).