Sunday 9th December


We continued our visits to the Disney parks today.

It was MGM's turn this afternoon - we'd stopped off at the factory outlet shops first.

MGM had quite a Christmassy feel to it. The place was still busy (it being a weekend still) but we also managed to stay in the park longer as we are staying in a Disney hotel. These 'Extra magic hours' give us three extra hours in the park after closing time.

Places we saw today was the Harlem Gospel Choir. Lots of very good singing with a festive theme.

We also had a meal booked at MGM - booked a few months ago - we were almost the last to leave as we had a very late booking (but at least we got in!)

MGM hi-light for us is the Osborne Christmas lights. This time they were all computer controlled so that they couldbe turned off and on in time of the music being played.

There was supposed to be around 5 million lights in the show. There was the fake snow of course. It's too warm here for the real stuff - it's been a constant 80' highs this week - still forecasting this until the end of the weekend.