Sunday 9th

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[15:19 EDT]

We are starting to sleep in longer now which is good. It's not fun waking up at 4am wide awake.

The weather has returned to normal now, the wind has died down and it looks like it'll be a very nice day. Forecast is for 89'F

A nice clear morning

So once we had breakfast and Linda had finished her daily skype chat with Shirley (made longer by X-Factor chat), we got changed into some beachwear and headed down to the beach for a walk.

The place where our apartment is situated is about in the middle of two public access areas, consequently, when our beach area looks like this

Our part of the beach is a lot quieter

The areas near the public parking are a lot more busy

We reach the crowded part of the beach

By the time we'd returned to the apartment complex we were very hot, so we took the opportunity to get into the pool for a dip. The heating is off in the pool, so it's probably cooler that it usually is at this time of year, but it was definitely welcomed as we needed something to cool us down! Added bonus points for the pool being empty at the time.

We have the pool to ourselves

We then returned upstairs to our apartment for some lunch on the balcony. Whilst sitting there we saw two different pods of dolphins swim past, this makes three sightings today as we also saw a couple of dolphins on our walk. Some of the birds have returned as well now following the passing or the hurricane. So things are settling down once more.

This afternoon I'm back in the cool, whilst Linda is out on the balcony again. However, today it's too hot even for her and she's moved to the shaded area of the balcony for a while.

[09:16 EDT +1]

And that's how things panned out for the rest of the day! Linda eventually moved indoors as the balcony got a little too hot to sit out on and indoors I had the air con at a nice 69'F.

Sunset tonight was quite good.

There's more in the slideshow at the bottom - just click a picture to see it expanded.

For our evening meal, we went out to the Outback Steakhouse and we both has a variation on a chicken meal. By the time we finished (the waitress wasn't the fastest on the planet) we were one of three groups left. It was only 9:15pm, but as it was Sunday, it was early closing. Plus tonight at 9pm was the second debate for the US President race (Clinton v Trump) so a lot of people were expected to watch that.

Linda then caught up with most of her X-Factor.


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