Sunday 17th May

Miles Driven Today

Total Miles




Sitting on the balcony once again - we watched the sun come up, but now it's getting too hot. The AC is calling from indoors!

Today is our last travelling day as we move from Cocoa Beach to Orlando for the final part of our holiday.

Spent a hour on the net this morning. I've booked up to see the Star Trek film tonight, I've heard it's good. Also booked to see the T4 film on opening night (aside from the midnight showing that is) this Thursday. It'll be the first time that we've been in a (I assume) busy US cinema. Should be interesting...

Time to pack up for Orlando - it's getting too hot our here!


Arrived at Kissimmee. Had a straight forward drive from Cocoa Beach. It's only a hour or so away.

Liking the look of the villa already. Pool seems nice and warm too!


We quickly unpacked then went out to the local Wal-Mart to collect some supplies. Once back, we made lunch then lazed away half a hour in the spa pool outside.

Sadly, this photo was taken a hour or so before we got into the pool. By the time we were in the water, the clouds had come up and we were feeling the start of a rain shower :(

Still, we have the cinema to go to next, so it's a quick shower to wash off and we're off to Universal Citywalk in a short while.


Actually, scratch that - it wasn't a rain shower at all - it was a full on thunder storm. As we left the house to go to Universal we saw forked lightning over the back of the houses opposite us. I've no idea where it struck, but all the A/C units within earshot suddenly went silent for a split second before resuming their humming. It continues to thunder and lightning as we drove to Universal.

We stopped for a coffee then went to see the Star Trek film. The cinema was almost empty - perhaps 20 people. Mind you, it was a terrible night and a Sunday too.

Liked the film a lot - although I'm not sure about the al.... er maybe not - don't want to give away spoilers do we!!

Was still raining on the drive back home too :(