Saturday 24th September 2011


It's our last few hours in New England. The hotel has allowed us to check-out at 1pm. We will then have to be at the airport by about 5pm for our evening flight back to Gatwick.

The flood warning has passed here in New England. There was certainly a lot of rain and there are big puddles outside, but no flooding.

Breakfast in-room once more.

Another breakfast

The bags are pretty much all packed up - and so far we have weight to spare for the last few items we need to put in there. Joy! :)


Hmmm, my joy was short lived. Once we had packed up the last of our stuff, all our bags are either on or just over the limit. So we've had to do some re-arranging to get things as good as we can.

All packed up - eventually

We have now departed the room. We put our bags into storage and went for a quick walk along outside. However, it's so muggy out there that we didn't go far. Instead we've camped out in the hotel waiting area. Linda has her Kindle and I'm messing about on the lap-top.

Time to Kindle

There's apparently two weddings going on in this hotel today so there's lots of people walking about all dressed up.

We'll sit here for another couple of hours then it'll be time to get over to the airport.


We are all checked in at the airport and through security. We've now got a couple of hours before our plane starts to board. At least the airport is a little quieter now that some of the flights have left - it was heaving when we first got here. Where's Linda...? Oh yes, she's off exploring in the hope she can find a duty free!

[12:09 BST+1]

Flight eventually took off just ahead of time - 19:40-ish. 303 passengers aboard the Airbus A340-600 Madame Butterfly. It was also the first time I can remember where we had a woman captain.

Just as we took off, we caught a quick glimpse of the Boston skyline in the distance.

Boston Lights