13 Sep 2022 - Tuesday

Ongoing Funeral Activities

We're still mid way through the funeral activities. The Queen's coffin travelled from Scotland down to London. Tomorrow, it'll travel from Buckingham Palace over to Wesminster Hall. The crowds are expected to be high for that, also the start of the public laying in state after that. The expectation is that the queue could reach down from Westminster to past Tower Hill. Some papers are quoting 30 hour wait time.

We've continued to watch from afar, most of the events are taking just as we get up.

I caught some photos from the sunrise over the road from the apartment.

Linda parked herself on the balcony this morning with her Kindle. I was in the cool indoors on the PC. Spurs were playing a Champions League match away at Sporting Lisbon (lost 2-0) so I was watching that on the TV from home.

Lunch then we went down to the pool. It was a nice afternoon weather wise so we floated about in the water for over a hour. We even got a reasonable sunset.

Dinner was at the Perkins on 14th Street. Quite a nice small meal and under $40 (including tip) which is one of the cheapest meals we've had out here so far.

There was supposed to be a Starlink Rocket Launch tonight at 22:10 but it was cancelled due to poor weather. Still it may relaunch again soon. If so we'll try and see it from out the back (it looks East). We'll have a good chance if it's dark.