Friday 23rd May

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We didn't have much planned today, so it was another late leave from the hotel room, so much so that we completely missed the housekeeper on her rounds. Linda has done some of the pre-packing that she wanted to do, so there's not much left in the cupboards. Anything not packed is out being used still.

We left via the 'main' entrance of the Signature which is facing away from the Strip. Still it's faster to walk down the road than to swing through the other two towers and the MGM's massive casino.

We leave the hotel via the main door

Linda wanted to do a couple of swings past some shops so we walked down the strip a little. It was very busy here - much more than the past week. We know everyone arrives on a Friday for a Saturday/Sunday visit, but coupled with the bank holiday over here this weekend (Memorial Day) it's just added to the numbers.

Added to that the increase in temperature too. The forecast said it was "28'C feels like 31'C". And boy could you feel it! We were glad to get back into the air-conditioning of the casino on our return. We ate again in the Rainforest (as it wasn't too busy there) then picked up an ice cream on our return to the hotel room.

We could see through the window the increase in TV trucks that were parked behind the MGM Grand today.

TV trucks for the UFC fight in the MGM

This is all for some UFC fight that's going on either tonight or tomorrow night. That's also swelling the numbers I bet.

We chilled (literally) in the room for a couple of hours before getting a bit dressed up and heading out over to Caesar's Palace to see Matt Goss do his show at 21:30.

Actually - he didn't get onto stage until 22:00. Although credit to him, the show didn't finish until midnight - a full 2 hours. Another very enjoyable show. Pics don't do it justice sadly.

We even bought the photo at the end of the show!

Worst part of the evening was trying to get through thousands of seemingly drunk revellers and getting a taxi too. 25 minutes it took us to get one from outside Caesar's Palace.

25 minute long queue for taxis

Fortunately, the taxi driver knew a short-cut of sorts and also drove like a bat out of hell. She took us through another hotel's car park which exits straight opposite our hotel! Very knackered.