Tuesday 13th

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We've been out most of the day today. In the morning we decided to head up to another nearby beach called Bayfront Park which is on the North East tip of the island.

We packed ourself up a picnic and got ready to leave.

We pack a picnic

However, on looking outside, the weather didn't look too promising...

Ooh - looks like rain

Now knowing that these rain showers can be unpredictable, we decided to head out anyway, just in case we managed to miss it.

We didn't.

Gets very heavy

It was starting to ease by the time we reached the beach and about 10 minutes later, it had stopped.

We wait it out

So we made camp down on the beach and settled in for a very pleasant afternoon. The weather cleared and it was nice and warm throughout the afternoon.

The sun is shining once more

We even had a visit from the local police force who arrived in flamboyant fashion.

The police drop by

I went for a little swim in the sea, taking along the GoPro to see what was beneath the waves. Not a great deal it turns out...

One friendly fish there!

We returned home at 6pm and was in the apartment until sunset time.

Finally, we drove down to Perkins for a meal, including milk shakes.

Milk Shake time