Thursday October 18th



Thursday saw us out on our bike rentals for the first time. We found a quiet cycle path just outside our apartment area and we followed that for about a hour. It was actually quite nice - the breeze by cycling along was very cooling. We came across a nature trail for cyclists. Linda's not keen, so I'll likely try that myself.

Most of the route was through a very expensive street, running along the coastline. There are photos of some houses in the slideshow below.

Also, a lot of them had fancy postboxes.

Once back home, we grabbed a couple of drinks and headed down to the beach with out umbrella (rented) and chairs (one borrowed from our store). This condo has it's own small store near the car port which, for us, is full of peoples old chairs, fishing nets, balls that sort of thing. We borrowed a slightly better chair than the one I got at Walmart. I guess we'll leave our chairs in there when we leave this place as we won't need them in the last hotel.

It was very hot on the beach, despite there being an on-shore breeze. This has likely caused Linda to burn as she was quite red on her legs later in the evening.

On top of that, she has been bitten by insects along the back of her legs - nasty stuff. It also means that we needed to use the bug away spray more. I guess there's something in the sand or the dunes.

In the evening, we had joined a group going to on a sunset cruise. It was a full boat or 40 I think and we headed out at 6pm.

The captain stopped us in the middle of a waterway and we were almost immediately surrounded by dolphins. I think there were at least seven or eight swimming around, jumping out of the water - quite the show.

The sunset was quite good too!