Saturday 19th December 2009

Last Day

[07:25 EST]

Linda is continuing on with the last of the packing. This will likely be my last update until we get home (unless I get a chance at the airport). We are planning to go to Downtown Disney first stop to do the early check-in so we can get rid of the cases. After which, we'll be off back to Universal Studios again (and fingers crossed the rip-roaring roller coaster is back up and running).Our flight tonight is at 19:50 this evening, although we think this is likely to be delayed as there is snow storms along our route over Washington and New York state that have been affecting flight times of the earlier flights.I've just checked the departure times and so far, our flight will be leaving on time. Let's hope.[18:37 EST]

We're at the airport now. Earlier, we'd left the villa at 9:30 and driven down to Downtown Disney for the early check-in. The person there said our flight would be delayed two hours - as expected with this weather up north affecting the arrival of earlier flights. She still said we should arrive at the airport a hour before our expected flight time (7:15pm) in case something changed. Well, something certainly has changed - we're a the airport and have just seen that the flight has been put back a further two hours. We now won't fly until 11pm this evening. That gives us four hours to kill at the airport. Must find a plug for the laptop!

Earlier, after we'd checked in, we drove over to Universal Studios to spend our last day there. Once again, when we arrived there, it was obvious that the rip roarin' roller coaster wasn't running again. In fact is wasn't until the early afternoon that I saw any car on the track - these were empty test cars it seemed. So when we did finally see people in the cars, we walked back to the ride and were stunned at the 120 minute wait time!!! At least I'll be able to do single rider eh? Might knock some time off! NOT. They were not allowing any single riders onto the ride for some unexplained reason. Actually, it did me a favour really, as I'm sure that as soon as I'd have joined I'd have to complete the wait no matter how many times the ride stopped again. Who knows how long the single line might have taken. In the end, as I walked back to sanity, Linda pointed out that the ride had stopped again. Looking up onto one of the flat parts of the ride, high up, was a stationary (empty) car. Phew - that was a close one. In the end, we didn't get on the ride as it was due to close at 5pm to allow a concert, being held below the ride, to get set up.Drive back was uneventful and the car was returned without issue (or extra payment, even though it was 2 hours late).

Departure lounge looks quite busy and there's plenty of people reading, on laptops or music players, all settling in for the wait for their aircraft to depart. If I head once more that "Airport security is currently at Orange" I'll go mad!!!

Time to upload some photos I think!

[21:17 EST]

We've moved through to the departure gate now, through security. Finally found a plug with a good internet connection too. Pre-security it was one or the other.

Photos have been uploaded. Enjoy!