Saturday 21st

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Up at 6am this morning. Quick breakfast and shower and now we are (well, mostly Linda) packing up the last of our stuff before we head back to Orlando.

Over the past weeks or so, I've been doing some overnight time-lapse videos using my GoPro and Camera. This one was about the best I managed.

You can click the video if you want to see it in HD (up to 4K).

We were away as planned and were fortunate to not get caught in any really heavy traffic as we did last year. So we got into Disney Springs at just on 12 noon, checked in and got rid of the cases. The temperature and humidity in Orlando was higher than the coast, so we decided to grab a quick bite to eat then head to the cinema in Disney Springs. We watched 'A Mountain Between Us' in the cool of the air conditioned cinema :)

Once back out, we went straight back to the car and drove to the airport, dropping our rental car off without any fuss. We've driven 718 miles in total this time.

Returning the car

In the airport, we waited for a while as we'd been notified that the flight would be 30 minutes delayed - I guess the inbound aircraft was late in due to the stormy weather which is going on in the UK (named storm Brian).

The trip through the security took ages - they were quoting 12-16 minutes at the front desk. I took photos just before we queued up and on the train after - they are 45 minutes apart. Crazy.

Now waiting by gate 81 for boarding to begin to our flight (aircraft is Ladybird). Boarding should start at 7:30pm (40 minutes late).

We finally took off at 8:30 pm

Flying over Orlando