Blackened Hailbut

Modified from Simple & Delicious

2 tbsp garlic powder

1 tbsp salt

1 tbsp onion powder

1 tbsp dried oregano

1 tbsp dried thyme

Dash cayenne pepper (they had 1 tbsp...way too much, I redid this with this and it was great!)

Dash pepper (they used 1 tbsp....again, way too much)

2 1/2 tsp paprika

4 halibut fillets (4 oz each)

2 tbsp butter

Combine first eight ingredients. Coat fillets in it. (They put it in a ziploc and shook....that seems like a waste of a ziploc to me...I put it in a bowl and used my fingers to make sure it got completely covered.)

Cook fillets in butter over medium heat until flakes easily with a fork. (They say about 4 minutes per side...mine took a little longer, really depends on how thick your fillets are).

Serves 4.