
Modified from The Prairie Homestead

Bones (turkey, chicken or beef)





Black Pepper


Herbs (I used thyme, fresh sage, bay leaves, parsley)

Apple cider vinegar (1-2 tbsp.)

Put bones into a crock pot. Add veggies and seasonings. Add cider vinegar (I did 2 tbsp. per crock pot...I had to use two for a turkey carcass). Cover with cold water. Put crockpot on low for about 24 hours.

Strain broth into glass containers and cool in fridge. Skim fat from cooled broth. Pour back into a clean pot. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, put into sterilized jars. Leave 1 inch headspace. Seal jars and put in pressure canner. Process quarts for 25 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.

I got 4 quarts from my turkey. I probably would have gotten more if I did it a little better. I am learning!