Belinda Parmar: Empathy Business

The Empathy Business

Belinda Parmar

"Our Process

We’ve refined our process over the last six years to deliver the most impact to our clients in the shortest time. The output will be an increase in performance and loyalty both amongst staff and customers. The output of our 12 or 20 week programme will be a diagnostic of your empathy strengths and deficit, identification of where the empathy deficit is and a series of sustainable ‘nudges’ to bring more empathy into your business. We ‘institutionalise’ empathy so you can sustain empathy post the programme. We helped set up the first ever empathy unit in a Fortune 500 company.

Our process looks at your company’s empathy levels across both your customers and employees.

Planning Phase - 3 weeks

We collect metrics which determine your organization’s empathy deficit using our diagnostic tools."

